The LMC would like as many individuals within the BDCL to complete the 2021 League Survey, to assist with the future direction of the League. The survey also encourages individuals to provide comments, suggestions and feedback.
The survey link below has been distributed to clubs via their club email contacts, BDUA members, plus shared via the League Website and Social Media Channels. The LMC encourages all to distribute to their Club Membership, and anyone accessing via Social Media to like and share. The LMC wishes to receive a multitude of responses to gain an overall insight of all individuals throughout the BDCL.
The League Survey does not cover changes to the current Rules and Playing Regulations. Any changes to the Rules and Playing Conditions are required to be submitted by their respective Secretaries, in line with the majority view of that club/organisation, and received by the League Secretary within the timescales displayed in the League Handbook for submission to the AGM.
2022 will see dramatic change to the structure of the BDCL due to the creation of NPL2. Five teams from the current Championship Division will be promoted to the NPL and NPL2. The NPL will remain at the current 12 teams, with NPL2 starting with 10 teams. Consideration will therefore be needed when answering certain questions as the Constitution in 2022 will differ drastically from the current constitution.
The survey is open for responses now, and will close at 23:45 on Tuesday 31 August. To access the survey, please click the following link: