As with previous updates, please launch Play-Cricket Scorer Pro from the Start Menu (not the task bar) to detect the update, then close and re-launch PCS Pro again to install it. If the software does not automatically update, or you’re installing it for the first time, please download it here.
Important Note: Because Play-Cricket Scorer Pro is a server-connected system, all users MUST upgrade to v4.0.6 and will not be able to login or live score until they have done so.
Also for camera users, When the windows allow network connections options pop up during the install, please ensure to allow on both private and public networks.
If both these options are not checked then this causes some of the IP camera connection issues as well as stopping writers and readers connecting over county networks.
Please also ensure that all support requests for first class and recreational scorers go through the Play-Cricket Help Desk. Where possible, this should be done within PCS Pro using the Help -> Report an Issue facility.
ECB PCS Pro v4.0.6 (Production) Release Notes
General Scoring
• Improved the default behaviour of Report an Issue by using the previous login type (NV or Play-Cricket) to assign the appropriate Help Desk flags if a user then submits an issue when not logged-in (#8421)
• Fixed issue where the Statistics -> Match Result reports were adding Penalty points to a team’s total rather than subtracting them (#8489)
• Fixed issue with empty Overs Remaining potentially causing the scoreboard to not update after End of Day is recorded before Start of Play (#8576)
• Fixed issue where players and their statistics were not appearing in some Player Averages reports for some Play-Cricket users (#8478)
• Fixed issue where selecting a ball in the Ball by Ball panel would remove the displayed Fielding data, if only a Ground Field event and a Wagon Wheel had been recorded when opening or reloading a match (#8586)
• Fixed issue where the fielding position on a ball set via the Detailed Fielding Event dialog was being overridden by the default Wagon Wheel fielding position, when only a single Ground Field event existed (#8588)
• Fixed issue where PCS Pro would sporadically crash due to timing issues when refreshing data after a scoring update, as experienced in a recent Hampshire match (#8606)
Replay Screen/Scoreboard
• Added automatic updating of scoreboard Output file locations if the user changes their default storage location for match folders, which previously resulted in missing XML files requiring a manual update of the file path (#8562)
• Added a conversion fix to force a positive height value to prevent Video File with transparency causing the live video to display upside-down in the Video Display window (#8309)
• Fixed issue where, after exiting Edit mode and scrolling back to a much earlier ball clip, right-clicking on the start of the ball clip would cause the Video Timeline to jump back to the start of the Continuous clip (#8384)
Live Streaming
• Added a full-screen Match Summary overlay, showing the top batting and bowling performance(s) in each innings, to the auto sequence when in breaks, and also included as appropriate in highlights packages (#6554)
• Added support for automatic switching of the selected camera at the end of each over, which can be enabled for multi-cam users in the new Multi-Cam Switching Settings under Tools -> Configuration -> Video Capture (#7662 & 8528)
• Improved timing when switching between the auto sequence and manual use of full-screen cards, to minimise the occurrence of manual cards not displaying for the intended duration, as experienced in a recent Middlesex match (#6920)
• General overlay improvements, including allowing longer bowler names, shortening the match situation in certain scenarios, addressing issue where sometimes the baseline overlay would fall off the bottom of the screen, etc (#8494)
• General team logo improvements, including placing/sizing within the circle on full screen overlays, graphs, custom messages, etc (#7018)
• Fixed issue where videos being played into a reader stream would end early if the Live Scorer added players to the teams or a Force Full Download was done on the reader (#6904)
• Fixed issue where clicking Start Live Stream after playing a milestone to a scoreboard output would cause PCS Pro to crash (#7399)
Video Package Manager
• Added ability to delete single or multiple packages for an individual match from the Match Centre or Match Portal (#8488)
• The automatic download of cloud clips is now always applied when creating a package, to prevent a live stream stalling when these are not downloaded prior to playing the package into the stream (#8443)
• Improved the publishing and sharing messaging by renaming the dropdown menu item as ‘Upload and Share’ and the dialog message as ‘Share Video Package URL’ (#8554)
• Increased the minimum duration of Match, Day, Innings, and Last Session highlights packages to avoid situation where the combined display time of inserted overlays and pre-rolls was greater than the previous minimum durations (#8572)
• Prevented packages from failing to publish in rare situations, e.g., when match does not exist on the server, all included video clips were manually inserted, or no local thumbnails for clips exist (#8529)
• Fixed issue where the Publish button could be incorrectly disabled, so now confirmed to only be so when videos from multiple matches exist in the package, the user is not logged in or is a Local Scorer, or the match does not exist on the server (#8518)
Competition/Match Centres
• Enabled Competition Centres on County Match Lists (#8493)
• Added social media sharing icons for the easy sharing of video clips to Facebook and Twitter (#4716)
• Applied previous live streaming full-screen overlay improvements to the Stats tab, e.g. adjusted the axis scales, changed Run Rate graph to start at 0,0, disabled graphs for the Hundred, etc (#8466)
Match Portal
• Fixed issue where loading a sequence of ball clips but changing to another sequence before the first ball had finished playing would still play that ball, but with the new (incorrect) score overlay (#7306)